Asita’s Prediction 阿私陀的预言

“Among men, he is unique. I foresee no harm for the boy. He will achieve the highest knowledge. He will become a Buddha, a sage of unequalled purity. Through compassion for the many, he will spread his Teaching. Little of my lifespan now remains and I shall die soon. I shall not hear his good Teaching. This is what saddens me.” 


There was then an old sage called Asita who had retired to the mountains not far from the palace. The sage Asita noticed a radiance about the palace and realised that a prince had been born. Immediately, he went to the palace to look at the royal baby. On reaching the palace, he was greeted by the king who said, “Your reverence, what is the reason for your coming?” In great eagerness, Asita replied, “Where is the prince? I wish to see him.”

The proud and happy king quickly brought the baby and showed him to Asita. When he looked at the baby, Asita was delighted. At first he smiled, overwhelmed with joy. Then he began to shed tears of sorrow. Seeing such a sudden change of feelings in the sage, the king was puzzled and anxiously questioned him. He was afraid that the old sage foresaw trouble for the prince. “Will some misfortune befall the child?” asked the king.

Asita answered, “Among men, he is unique. I foresee no harm for the boy. He will achieve the highest knowledge. He will become a Buddha, a sage of unequalled purity. Through compassion for the many, he will spread his Teaching. Little of my lifespan now remains and I shall die soon. I shall not hear his good Teaching. This is what saddens me.” After making this prediction, Asita paid homage to the royal baby and left the palace.


在王宫里,净饭王恭敬地请阿私陀入座,问道:“您老人家怎么会到这儿来呢? ”阿私陀不理会他的问话,只兴奋地问道:“太子呢?快让我见见他! ”净饭王马上叫人把太子抱出来。

阿私陀一见太子长相圆满,内心充满了喜悦,露出欢欣的微笑。但是很快地,他又悲伤地哭了起来。国王看到阿私陀悲喜无常的样子,非常担忧,不安地问:“太子会遭受什么不幸吗? ”阿私陀回答道:“依我的预测,太子不但不会遭遇任何不幸,反而会求得最高的真理,成为人间的佛陀。他将教化众生,使众生证悟真理。如今我年事已高, 不久就要死了,再也没有机会听到他所说的道理,这就是我伤心的原因。”说完这些话,阿私陀便向太子合掌敬礼,然后离开王宫。